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Hobofoshow is an officer and drunk of Adventure Galley and a member of the flag Static Before the Storm.

He started playing Puzzle Pirates early in 2005 on the player Swig. Due to a computer failure, he could not log on for quite some time, therefore his account was deleted. Heartstruck, he created Hobofoshow and continued to play, determind to regain his fame and friends. He finaly decided that it wasnt worth trying to get all his friends back, and just wandered around playing poker.

While playing poker, he met Baconjack who gave him a senior officer position in his crew. After a week or so, Bacon (as Hobofoshow called him) merged his crew into Total Chaos, a crew of an old friend. In Total Chaos, Hobo got to keep his senior officer position.

For about 6 months hobo stayed with Total Chaos. Then Hobo got tired of being senior officer and made the crew drunken scallywags. He promised Ashaw (the captain of Total Choas and monarch or the flag Dead Man's Chest) that he would join the flag again. After a couple months there was a little bit of tension between the crews in the flag. That's when Hobofoshow made a bold risk to make his own flag Sabotage which was named by Hobo's first mate Sweetchels.

After grades came out, Hobo had to give up the captain's seat to Sweetchels, but a day later, it was returned to him. In late November, Hobo proposed to Sweetchels. After finding spare change and selling a merchant brig, he bought the wedding ring and clothes. The two had to keep changing the wedding date because of various issues. When the wedding was finaly ready, Peterwg lent him a war brig for a wedding on the ocean and they also had a party afterwards.

