
From YPPedia

Heavywepsguy is a pirate on the Viridian Ocean.


Around 2006-2007, Darkterror entered the piratey puzzlin' ocean of Viridian. He joined the crew Rolling Thunder when it reached its peak. Around July 2007, his persona disappeared until September 2010, when he was rediscovered.


Darkterror was found again in September 2010, but he became the shadow of the rising figure of Heavywepguy. Named after his favorite class in an FPS game named Team Fortress 2, the Heavy Weapons Guy, he returned to Viridian, finding it vastly different from the ocean Darkterror once knew. There were much fewer players, inflation took its toll on the doubloon prices, and stats were much harder to raise. His previous skills in Bilging were no longer enough, and so although he quickly reached grand-master, he fell from legendary four times. The breakthrough he needed was the sea donkey/vegas, which Darkterror never needed to attain ultimate in his days.