Hearts of Misfortune

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Hearts of Misfortune at a Glance
Emerald Ocean
Captain Ardenviolet
Senior Officer(s) Xanon, Coldface, Redstache, Etnoctua, Dankmemez
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Outbreak
Founded 25 January, 2015
Last updated on 11 March, 2015
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Hearts of Misfortune is a crew on the Emerald Ocean, created January 25, 2015.


Hearts of Misfortune was created by Ardenviolet at the Admiral dock on Sunday, January 25, 2015. The first crew member to join (besides Ardenviolet) was Isolation, who was given the rank of officer. The name "Hearts of Misfortune" was thought of by Ardenviolet, and has some connection to her name. "Arden," being a variation of "ardent" essentially means "passionate." The name Hearts of Misfortune connects with "ardent" to give the message that a passionate heart is full of misfortune.

On February 24, 2015 Hearts of Misfortune achieved number one crew on the Emerald Ocean fame list.


Hearts of Misfortune is a crew that promotes a sense of family and connection between its members. Any member who respects his fellow pirates is treated with respect, regardless of rank or title. Officers of Hearts of Misfortune are notorious across the ocean for their kind behavior to their fellow crew mates and members of other crews as well. They are also known for having some of the filthiest mouths in the entire ocean. The average content in officer chat could easily be be described as R-rated by any critic. Hearts of Misfortune owns a fine crew hall in Sin City on Admiral Island, complete with game tables and furnishings.

Public statement

"Let us all view life through the same pair of eyes, and walk its path with the same set of feet. United, we will see a world of love and passion, we will walk through a world of laughter and elation. United, what can divide us?"

Promotion requirements

  • Senior officer: Lead as prime examples of expectations in the crew, show knowledge of duty puzzles/crafts, successfully run or assist pillages and have proven to be leaders.