
From YPPedia

Groveer is a senior officer and explorer of the crew Titan's Wrath on the Viridian Ocean. Groveer is also a lord of the flag Ocean's Fury


Once long ago Groveer started off on the Midnight Ocean. By the time he made it to Viridian he had completed his greenie period and had become a competent doubloon ocean pirate.

About a month after arriving on Viridian, Groveer joined the crew Clockwork Orange under the captain Patric. Soon after joining he was promoted and trained to be an officer. After about two months he was one of the crew's senior officers. Unfortunately the captain had to take a leave of absence. As the commanding officer Groveer made the executive decision to merge Clockwork Orange with the crew Titan's Wrath, formerly known as Island Hoppers. Its captain, Sleeveless, is a good mate of Groveer.