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Exhoneration is a pirate on the Meridian ocean, he is former royal and monarch of the flag Sink or Swim.

Humble beginnings

Exhoneration started off as a lonely greenie like many others who still play puzzle pirates. He quickly amassed fame on the Meridian ocean after a short hiatus up until August 2014. Exhoneration quickly made many influential friends that were and still are part of the blockade scene on both Meridian and Emerald. Exhonerations' blockade career originally began with Chronik and Penguinbr. His first official blockade where he enacted as Land Admiral was in the flag Laced. He then LA'd for multiple blockades after that and is still active today.

Sink or Swim

Exhoneration is a proud support of the flag Sink or Swim the flag where his true loyalties lie. Sink or Swim is a blockade active flag that Exhoneration is a major part of. Sink or Swim is most commonly known for their wars against Antheas and Just The Tip.

Blockades and governorship

Exhoneration has blockaded many islands in his career, some multiple times. These islands include:

Exhoneration has governed the following islands, these include both brief and long term governorships:

  • Windward Vale
  • Moab Island
  • Kirin Island
  • Surtsey Island
  • Harmattan Island


  • On Emerald Exhoneration has achieved a wide variety of ultimate trophies and a couple of #1 trophies.
  • Exhoneration is a top tier land admiral
  • Governed multiple islands
  • 3rd in gunning competition Hera the boom!