
From YPPedia
Duplo at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Bluetoes
Senior Officer(s) none
Politics Democratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation
Founded 20 June, 2005
Dormant as of 26 February, 2009
Favicon.png Crew Info

Duplo is a crew that sails the Viridian Ocean. The crew once flew the flag of Choking Hazard. This crew is now dormant.


Duplo was founded on 20 June, 2005 by Luciole, Linnet and Bluetoes, all ex-Meanies. They flew the flag of Requiem for a while before sailing an independent route and eventually, realising they had wider ambitions, founding the flag Choking Hazard.

The captain and senior officers generally enjoyed being in a small flag which let them engage in war but not get involved in other politics. As Choking Hazard grew, Duplo left to become independent once again, founded a one-crew flag, Fish Heads.

When Choking Hazard began to disband in the wake of Nowie stepping down as monarch, Duplo returned to be the lead crew of the flag.

Public statement

Brightly coloured and fun to play with, but watch out for those hard edges!

Notice to Flags

Dear Royalty of Some Flag,

Yes, of course we've heard of you. And we think your flag is wonderful. We're sure you'll have lots of success. But no, we don't want to join your flag...not today. If you do ask us to join your flag we might just declare war on you. Thanks for reading this.

Promotion requirements

Promotion is not automatic in this crew - you need to prove yourself first.

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