
From YPPedia
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Dragonangel Jr.
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Dragonangel is a pirate on the Emerald Ocean.



He was a rich fellow with not many stats, he regained his trust and loyalty with his captain Frogz of the Stars. 3 weeks later, he was with a sloop in his own crew and flag. Dragon got off good with his crew, until things got on the wrong side. He lost 30 crew members, but realized this was a good thing. He then had more time to pillage, get his stats up and get real, trustworthy, and loyal pirates. Sipher was his First Mate until he found out there was no one on; he left the crew after many adventures Dragonangel and he had. Chocolatedog was his next First Mate and very loyal SO, who LIKES to be talked to about food when she's hungry, things like hot, rich, creamy flavored chocolate cake. Hmmmm... and ALSO has a fish that looked like Dragonangel, even when it died because Choco hit it at Dragon so much. She now uses a saw to cut Dragon up when he's holding a cannon ball on their own sunset honeymoon.... They spend a lot of time together and his crew are private, but our crew is still looking for people.