
From YPPedia

Doofuss set foot on the shores of Cobalt's Kirin Island early in 2008.

After being a mostly independant pirate for much of his early days, spending his time jobbing for other people and puzzling for the love of puzzles, in July 2008 an opportunity to join a new English based flag arose. Doofuss created the crew Three Lions and was a founding member of the flag Sinful Limeys, joining forces with the crew Siniestra another English based crew that had just left the flag Trust.

Doofuss handed over the reigns of a very quiet Three Lions early in 2009 and went looking for a more active crew to join. For a time he found this activity with the crew Raspberry Yoghurt under the flag Supremacy. Alas when the Captain and Monarch Fluorine decided he didn't have much time for the game any longer, the crew quickly began to dicipate. Left homeless once more he found himself gunning on one of the great Baghlah pillages run by Parura and her crew A Shot of Tequila. Impressed by the crews loyaly and activity he joined and remained as Fleet Officer there until February 2010. Crew activity had dropped, the Captain was dormant, so once again Doof was on the move. He created the crew The Narentines on 25th February 2010.


Battle Navigation of one of the 3 hour stints on A Shot of Tequila's Annniversary 24hour War Brig Pillage

2nd in one of the Halloween Sailing Competitions October 2009

3rd in one of the Snow Gunning Competitions December 2009

Currently Residing