Dirty Deeds (flag)

From YPPedia
For other uses of the term, see Dirty Deeds.
Dirty Deeds at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Monarch Jooeeyy (Left flag w/ crew, joined Pirates Hate Palindromes) of The Card Sharks
Member crew(s) The Card Sharks, Civil Disobedience, Dirty Little Secret, Everlasting Torment, Flying Crossbones, For the Poes, Khaos, Mukikaki, Red Brigade, Rogues and Engineers, The Shadows of a Wolf, Ship of Fools, SwordFight Club, White Angels Solution
Founded 21 October, 2007
Disbanded as of 20 March, 2009
Flags-Dirty Deeds.jpg

Dirty Deeds was a flag on the retired Sage Ocean. It was founded on October 21st, 2007. The flag disbanded on March 20, 2009, leaving Bowditch Island uncolonized.

Public statement

When little men cast long shadows you know the sun is about to set.

We all know that pirates have needs, And our flag most surely concedes, That enjoying your life And avoiding all strife, Means doing those sly Dirty Deeds.

We are looking for a few good quality crews. If your interested send a royal a tell.


Monarchy history

  1. Fedexway (? - ~Jan 20, 2009)
  2. Jooeeyy (~Jan 20, 2009 - Mar 20, 2009) (Disbanded)

Blockade history

Blockades at a glance

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