
From YPPedia

Croc is a wench and senior officer of the crew Ransack Marauders on the Midnight Ocean. He joined Y!PP in 2004. Shortly upon joining, Croc was jobbed by Calicohydro of the crew Ransack Marauders. After a long pillage Croc was invited to join the crew by Captain Ironfisted.

Following the Ransack Marauders standard officer training, Croc was promoted to the rank of officer in 2004. On March 24th, 2005, he was promoted to senior officer, following the departure of several other senior officers who created the crew Divine Hellions.

In June of 2005, Croc said farewell to his crew and sailed the seas alone to explore distant lands. After two years of keeping in touch by occasional letter, he briefly returned to the Midnight Ocean and Ransack Marauders in 2007. Croc's current whereabouts are unknown. Only occasional rumors of his sightings now are told.