
From YPPedia

Children is a pirate on the Viridian Ocean.

Children's pirate name refers to his favorite band Children of Bodom. He has also named his crew after the band: COBHC (Children of Bodom Hate Crew).

Major Achievements

On his birthday (May 22), Children set up his first tailoring stall on Lima Island (which is still up and running, but is mostly a wardrobe). Up until this time, he has made gratuitous amounts of PoE from his stall. His largest volume of PoE he has ever received from one time of sale was 678,935 PoE.

Children is also proud of his sloop Fair Guppy. As funny as it sounds, he loves it. It is currently painted light green/green and has four gilded cannons.


Children is married to Dreamerr. On September the 1st, 2009, they were married in the backyard of his ex-captain Momoko's house. A lot of friends were there, and everyone had a good time. Children also gave everyone who attended a trinket of appreciation.