Breze (Cerulean)

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This article is about the Cerulean Ocean pirate. For the Emerald Ocean pirate, see Breze (Emerald).
Breze (Cerulean)

Navy Rank
Chief Petty Officer

Breze is currently captain and flirt of the crew Crustacean Nation and lady of the flag Sunny Places on the Cerulean Ocean. Prior to the ocean merge on January 31st, 2012, she played on the Midnight Ocean.


On Midnight

Breze first washed ashore sometime during the year 2004. She was quickly taken in to the crew The Sea Dogs. Breze quickly made many pirate friends.

She eventually left The Sea Dogs in order to start her own crew Crustacean Nation. The crew Crustacean Nation was named after a toy designed by Andy on Season 2 of The Apprentice. Breze has been Sailing the seas with her small crew ever since. Things are running smoothly now and she operates her crew from Gaea Island where she owns a weaving stall. Feel free to poke her in game anytime as she always enjoys making new friends.

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