Asaka was born in December 2006, living in a small shack on Aimuari Island. Not being a very good pirate at first she was an independent pirate trying to make a living from Rumble. She is currently a senior officer of the crew The Hysteria's.
She met one of her best friends Bighead during a Rumble. Bighead became one of her hearties and invited her to join her crew, Up your booty. Asaka was a great member pillaging a lot and making more friends on the way, as well as earning trophies. She eventually left Up your booty as she wanted to be an officer. This didn't work out though as she joined a small crew which could never compare to being in Up your booty. So she ended up going back to where she started.
Bighead invited her to live in her row house as a roommate. Asaka was delighted and accepted the offer and she lives there now on Pukru Island.
She also has family in the game: her brother Damala, her sister Ninka and her cousins Kraknar and Yanna.
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