Armada de Invincible

From YPPedia
Armada de Invincible at a Glance
Hunter Ocean
Last Monarch Drake of Clueless
Member crew(s) Kings Of Chaos, Clueless, Try Before You Buy, Kill Lag, Sands of Time, Drake's Royal Guards, The Crazy Pirates, Master and Commander, Phantom Pillager, Pirates of Mediterranean, -Reign of Darkness-, CheckMates, The White Shark, bane of the undead, -----sinkers----
Organization Royalty Team
Dormant or disbanded as of 8 October, 2006

Armada de Invincible was a flag on the Hunter Ocean. It was founded on April 22, 2006 by current monarch Drake when he was then captain of Hunters Pride.

ADI closed on 8th October 2006, after Drake decided time away from politics was best, and several crews decided it was time to part.

Public Statement

Ahoy mateys, Any crew may join this fine flag, just speak to Royalty You will be entitled to 1 title member, per 25 members (max 4) In order for Royalty, you must have over 100 active members, and be ready to take some roles and responsibilites.

We care about all our members, from cabbie to captain. If you join this flag, we expect loyalty and respect, as we show the same to you. Dont join here, just to leave again, we want you to work hard, improve this flag, as we will help to improve you. This is a new ocean, its time to make your mark.

We sometimes appoint members of Royalty for their experiences and specific roles, regardless of what crew they are in.

Members of Interest

  • King Drake - Monarch, Minister of War, Blockade and Alliances
  • Princess Reade - Minister of Public Relations
  • Prince Exnoga - Minister of Recruitment
  • Minister of Events ? (team includes Chimira and Jagfx)


Recruitment Requirements

For Royalty

  • Generally given to crew captain, or captains nominated Senior Officer
  • Crew sustaining membership over 100 pirates
  • Crew sustain fame of Celebrated and/or Above
  • Willingness to learn and adapt a REAL responsibility in the flag and game
  • Mature ability to handle the Social Puzzle
  • Proven to show mutual friendship, loyalty and respect to all members within the flag.

For Membership

  • Any crew Rumoured or Above
  • Captain becomes instant Titled member
  • 1 extra title member per 25 active members.. Max 4.
  • Show a mutual friendship, loyalty and respect to all members
  • Activity on the Flag Forum / Website
  • Your own personal Crew Forum section
  • Ability to express your feelings and thoughts

Blockade History

War History

Most recent declarations at the top

  • ADI vs Tigers Pride - Tigers Pride wanted a flag captain removed due to allegations of theft. However, the flag stood by their captain and refused his removal, so Tigers Pride declared war and Armada de Invicible accepted. The war lasted a total of 12 days with the final Score: 15-0
  • Declaration against Vilya - For Blockade Event Island ease
  • Declaration against Shadow's Revenge - Snoopdawgs attempt at flag revival. Still attempting to poach crews from other flags.
  • Declaration against ghetto dubbers - Revoked upon Snoopdawg's removal and flag disentergration
  • Declaration against -Darkness- - Revoked upon flag disintergration
  • Declaration against The Black Death - Revoked upon public apology

Links of Interest
