Ancient Scoundrels

From YPPedia
Ancient Scoundrels at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Mahrem
Senior Officer(s) Anansi
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Crew Loyalty
Flag Affiliation none
Dormant or disbanded as of 6 April, 2006

The Ancient Scoundrels are a crew dedicated to the twin goals of PvP and role-play. A composite crew drawn from the ranks of crews and flags across Viridian, all members are required to choose for an alias the name of a trickster, demon, or underworld god from various world cultures. In this manner the Ancient Scoundrels hope to form an anti-pantheon to the forces of good that are the Ocean Masters.

The Ancient Scoundrels strike fast and disappear faster on the waters. In combination with their role-playing efforts, they hope to create a back story to the disparate elements of mystery that lie on the ocean.

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