-The Green Devils-
-The Green Devils- at a Glance | |
Viridian Ocean | |
Last Captain | Mikejonesclu |
Senior Officer(s) | Adronomen, Azmodai, Bigspike, Cardshark, Cherokee, Derekv, Draikon, Felixone, Highnote, Ilovepa, Joshuua, Keithharper, Mompirate, Morigan, Redsmoke, Royalhand, Sprikie, Trytryagain |
Politics | Autocratic |
Shares | Jobber's Delight |
Flag Affiliation | New Ocean Order |
Founded | 30 January, 2010 |
Dormant or disbanded as of 2 March, 2012 | |
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-The Green Devils- was a crew on the Viridian Ocean.
It was captain Halabs, who renamed the crew from ProHun to -Dark Eyed Devils-. The first mate of this crew was Jjtaylor (AKA JJ) and the crew website, forums and gallery can be found here. This crew was re-named to -The Green Devils- (-TGD-) on the 20th March 2010, when Jjtaylor meged to -Dark Eyed Devils- with his old crew, The Green Armada. The deal was that when Jjtaylor merged Halabs would re-name it to what ever the crew wanted, as long as it had the words Green and Devils in.
There was once another crew called -Dark Eyed Devils- which was captained by Willx. Croceye, Gimps, Paficicjr and Capwaring were all Senior Officers of the old crew. This crew has a strange history of which not many souls know of. If ye know, please, let the pirates know.
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