' - British Horde - '

From YPPedia
' -British Horde- ' at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Bigbart
Senior Officer(s) Onomatopoeia
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Vanguard
Dormant or disbanded as of 16 March, 2007
Favicon.png Crew Info

' -British Horde- ' was a crew on the Viridian Ocean made for pirates and adventures.

Crew Statements

Promotion Requirments

Cabin: Just ask a officer, fleet officer or senior officer

Pirate: Pirate badge, 1 broad in a Piracy skills:Sailing, Bilging,Carpentry

Officer: The badge, Training, Atleast 1 solid, and Atleast 3 broads

Fleet officer: Need to be trusted by senior officers and by the captain, the badge, 2 solids and the rest of them broad, Battle navigation level of respected

Senior officer: Need to be trusted by the captain, don't ask to be senior officer. 4 solids Battle navigation: level of master

Fair Winds:D


  • Don't Steal or we have too report you
  • Don't misuse your rank
  • Be Friendly For All crewmates and for jobbers:D

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