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Tomasco is the captain of the crew Pillaging Fools on the Meridian Ocean.


Tomasco started on the Viridian Ocean in late March of 2006. After jobbing around for a bit, he landed in the crew Rule 62. By May he was an officer in the crew and was starting to pillage more and more.

In early June, Rule 62 left the flag Paradise. When it became apparent that Rule 62 was not returning to Paradise, Tomasco and his in game and real life wife Nickilark left the crew to join the Soul Collectors.


Over the next few months, Tomasco rose to the rank of senior officer and became a prince of Soul Mates. On February 15th, 2007, it was with a smidge more excitement than sadness that Tomasco formed the Pillaging Fools. With rumored fame achieved the next morning, Pillaging Fools returned to Soul Mates and Tomasco once again became a prince of Soul Mates.

On May 7th, 2007 Tomasco became King of Soul Mates due to a radical change in Wolfmedic's real life work schedule.

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