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Redarmy is a pirate on the Sage Ocean.


About Redarmy

Redarmy is currently an officer in the crew Mysterious Ways. Prior to his current post, he was a fleet officer in the crew Your Worst Nightmare. He has an extensive array of stats, of which he is proud (although most of them are not higher than master). When asked about this he generally argues that experience is more important than puzzle standing. He says that he will get his puzzle standing stats up in time, as he has only had this character for five months.

Redarmy is generally hated, or disliked. He knows it, and likes it. He thinks that a small circle of friends is hundreds of times better then having millions and millions of not so close friends.

Redarmy's Stats

Redarmy's Swordfighting stat is generally ultimate. His Bilging stat is Legendary, and he is working on getting it up to ultimate. Redarmy is also a master gunner.

Redarmy is not as pleased with the rest of his stats. However, he is working on all of them, and he personally thinks experience is more important. He is pleased that he has expert Swordfighting, and illustrious Bilging, and a minimum of solid experience in all other stats apart from Treasure Haul, Rumble, and Duty Navigation.