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Melodica is an officer of the crew Locked and Loaded and member of the flag Smoking Shisha. She sails the Emerald Ocean but prior to the ocean merge, could be found on the Sage Ocean.

She is known as Aerania on the Ice Ocean.

Melodica considers her puzzling specialties to be Blacksmithing, Bilging, and Rigging. Although her stats are not as good as the old Melodica she used to play, she does her absolute best to puzzle.

Melodica's best friends are Pinkfeet, Arntemis, Atalthaea, Masternils, Sukkii and Floren.


  • She is the no. 1 docktarter.
  • She fails to play poker.
  • She loves to role-play.
  • She can speak any language she wants to, thanks to Google/translate!

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