
From YPPedia
Joniboy has no portrait

Joniboy was a senior officer in the crew Look at Moi and a member of the flag Psychosis on the Viridian Ocean. His character has since gone dormant, or has been deleted.


Joniboy began playing in 2006 under the name Jonjonboyo. He first joined the crew SEMPER FI, working his way up to the rank of officer. He had difficulty improving his stats, but was eventually able to work his way up to fleet officer. Soon after, he pushed himself to his limits to get to senior officer, and all his hard work paid off - he was senior officer and a highly respected member of SEMPER FI. Unfortunately, sometime later his pirate died :(

Two years went past, and he started again! Now he was called Joniboy. He was having trouble finding people like his old crew, until one day while he was pillaging, he met a lass named Jezerbelle, and the name being similar to his old captain's, he asked if she was Sadiebelle. Sadly, it wasn't but by asking that one little question he became friends with her and met another three great pirates named Mistypetal, Gingertipsy and Venst and joined the crew Antioch. Whilst in this crew he made it to the rank of fleet officer then three of his friends wanted to control their own destiny and made their own crew, called Look at Moi. When he joined Look at Moi, Joniboy was made a fleet officer after trying very hard for about a month he got his rank as a senior officer and bought his first ship.

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