[hide]About Ceary
Ceary is a retired pirate. She used to enjoy poetry and chatting with others. She preferred respect and kindness over competition and power. Random was what she adored. She believed randomness was actually creativeness, spontaneous thoughts of creativity. She was optimistic, randomly creative, and respectful. She loved helping her crew mates and working along side them to accomplish many of the crew goals. She was usually carping for her crew or hearties.
Ceary enjoyed teasing friends by posting issues that irritate them because they always joke around with her. Everyone knew she means no harm and hates to offend or hurt the feelings of another individual. She was known for being random and it was no surprise to people who have known her the longest.
Ceary could be found either in the manor or at the Inn on Aimuari or at the docks of Quetzal. She loved to be random, so she wasn't always in one place.
Ceary started out as a greenie in the crew Eternal Hydrae of Echidna's Children because her real life friend, Rabbitgirl wanted her to play Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates with her. At the party during December 2007, she found a love for poetry. She wrote an honorable mentions prize-winning poem, which got her a plate of chocolate chip cookies. On that same day, Sydax gave her Sydney, her first cat. Soon after she became a pirate, but decided to venture out and join - War - Heroes - of Wicked Peace. She then started in that crew as an officer. She got her first sloop from Sydax which she gave 20,000 PoE for it. After about a week, she decided to get some training with Phoenix Rising of Wicked Peace.
Another five days rolled by and she scurried back to - War - Heroes -. She held a poetry contest during this time and became obsessed with poetry. She was given the title poet from that day forward. Ceary also won "Sunshineyest Writer of the Shipwritery Poetry Contest" prize, which was her cat wrapped in a yellow bowed yellow present!
After the poetry contest, she became fleet officer and shortly after she became senior officer. Thrilled with her new position, Ceary took on the responsibility with joy. However after a week, she began to feel a bit unsure of her position in the crew. She felt ignored and irritated by miscommunication when she tried multiple times to talk to her assigned student. She was instructed to teach them about pillaging, but they did not respond. She grew tired of the silence and formed her own crew.
Later after creating her own crew, Random Sunshine, she then joined the flag of Echidna's Children. She felt accepted in her original flag and was satisfied. On that same day, she helped out with a blockade and had friendly chat with the flag officers. She became lady of the flag and enjoyed herself, her flag, and her crew very much. Alyhs of Eternal Hydrae and queen of the flag had made her feel welcomed and appreciated as an individual.
One month later on May 21st, 2008, Ceary celebrated for a little bit the one month anniversary of her crew. The next day she became a princess of the flag Echidna's Children. Ceary was very shocked and confused by the pink colored chat and finally realized she was a royal. After May 22nd, Ceary had done well in getting to know her flag and had learning how to help her flag succeed.
Two individuals that were outside her flag that have shown her the ropes of being a leader and have helped her change into who she is today are Ikonta and Sparrowsjack. They have been better friends to Ceary than they think they are. Without them and their sometimes oddly worded advice, she'd be lost.
In the middle of September, Ceary celebrates her birthday. In September 2008, she got her pet sheep, Mr Sheepy Sheep from Uprise and a few other hearties. She also got a longship from Sydax and Reereez and a crew portrait from Diamondrose. Ceary received many trinkets, such as a cake from Foxynana, a jeweled star medal from Rabbitgirl, and a gold medal from Izzycooll.
On September 29th, Ceary left Echidna's Children after many inner conflicts she had been hearing about caused her to rethink her place in the flag. She created her own flag called Random Creativity where she became instant queen.
She took the responsibility of running her flag as well as the responsibility of her crew. She does not force her friends to go and even if it is painful when they leave, the memories will always stay.
After six months of waiting to be a greeter, Ceary finally got to be one as of November 16th, 2008. She has run greeter pillages and has helped many greenies since.
After a year of playing on Puzzle Pirates, Ceary decided she did not feel like she belonged in her crew Random Sunshine anymore, even if she was the founding captain. On January 3rd, 2009, she left to pursue a new start in her Puzzle Pirate life. Ceary created the crew called Eclipsed Moon for those who did not feel they belonged in Random Sunshine. She had about ten originals join. Diamondrose, Xicat, and Izzycooll all joined Eclipsed Moon, who were all the original founding crew mates of Random Sunshine. The crew and a few other crews formed a flag called Wandering, which lasted about two months before many people grew bored with the game and some eventually just quit.
In the middle of February in 2009, Ceary was hacked and lost over 25k and a longship she got for her birthday as well as her first cat Sydney, named after Sydax, sold and her renamed sloop painted mint and green, Spontaneous Creativity, sold off. She was sorrowful and depressed by this, but thanks to Wackyketchup, she got her sloop back because Polux had bought it by chance. He wanted 48k for it, but Wacky believed Ceary was well worth it and got the deed back for Ceary. Ceary was mighty thankful after this. Then when it came to finding her cat, Ceary went to the inn on Aimuari and by chance got two people who told her they had her cat. She said, "Looking for cat colored beige and chestnut named Sydney." After that Redfeather and Tylerman gave her Sydney back, even though she had to pay 10,000 PoE and a few objects for her. It was well worth it in Ceary's mind, even though Sydax was going to get her a replacement.
Ceary made avatars to reclaim her losses and gave them to people using the forums on YPP. She was thankful when people wanted to buy her avatars and has made many friends because of her avatar shoppe. She gave Sydax an avatar for his birthday in late February. He was thrilled and delighted to have a new avatar.
On April 11th of 2009, after not playing for many weeks, Ceary finally came back on and decided to merge Eclipsed Moon because no one was active anymore. Ceary had also been sad that Rabbitgirl had quit the game, but she came back on the 11th of April. Ceary was thrilled that her real life friend came back. Ceary merged Eclipsed Moon with Defiant Existence, her hearty Teet's crew. After that, Ceary joined as a Senior Officer in Dressedinred's crew, Burnt Offerings; Wittypearl and Ci joined the crew also. Ceary saw that there where rabbits for sale at the Palace Shoppe, so after borrowing some doubloons, she go herself a rabbit named Morgan. That same week, Ceary's real life friends, Frostdragon and Squirrelyrae joined the crew as well.
In late April of 2009, Ceary's roomate she had known for a year stole her trinkets and her clothing that meant everything to her. She was helped by friends to get a new outfit and has started over her outfit trend. She was saddened by the loss of her birthday and holiday trinkets that were personal to her, but she got over it because the memories will last the longest.
On April 29th, she decided that the vibes from the crew Burnt Offerings were not good at all and she headed to Alleyberet who gave her the position of senior officer on the crew Sea Sirens. Sportchase, who Ceary had known since early summer of 2008, came back to the game and joined Ceary in the crew as an officer, only because she told Alleyberet that he was better than his stats.
In early summer of 2009, Ceary was the senior officer and poet of the crew the Sea Sirens and lady of the flag of FIRESTORM on the Hunter Ocean, but decided to move on after some drama and went to Merciless Fate where she now resides. She met Raziel and became great friends with him, until one day, they just went their separate ways.
On August 7th, Ceary got back Glorious Glowfish after a year of waiting to get it. She bought it for 65,000 PoE from the crew Philly Cheesesteaks. She is going to get the Sunshiny Seahorse back from Polux as soon as she gets 50,000 PoE again. She then gave Izzycooll back her ship the Glorious Glowfish.
On August 30th, after many days of useless dramatic arguing, Ceary, Raziel, and Wheaties left Merciless Fate after Thornandrose left. They were all good friends and started a new crew called, Aurora's Wrath, which Locan joined soon after. They pillaged the next day and got many new members and new friends.
The next day, Ceary got legendary carpentry for the first time in her Puzzle Pirate life. She is proud of her accomplishment and enjoys being a great and well known carpenter among her hearties and acquaintances. She got a portrait to portray her accomplishment and record her status as Legendary carpenter for all to know. She has been working a year to get this stat and finally accomplished it.
Ceary left Aurora's Wrath in early September because she had other ideas for her life on the game. She joined The Mafia Line who she had been doing a portrait and avatars for already and became good friends with Crips and Paigeousp. After awhile in real life, Ceary was not able to play much and ended up selling and giving away a lot of what she owned except most of her pets. She eventually came back on and off, but officially came back in August 2010. She is now in the crew Avius Anima as a senior officer along side with her captain and hearty, Xerozia.
By late 2010, she had left pirate life almost completely and is now retired as of then.
Her Contributions
Ceary has contributed to many flags and crews along the way, but she is most remembered for just being kind and helpful, while being her random and perky self.
She has renamed four ships as well including the following sloops, Spontaneous Creativity, Sunshiny Seahorse, Dancing Seahorse, Spectacular Starfish, Glorious Glowfish, and Hellacious Houndshark.
She also had a flag called Random Creativity that ranked at thirty-two on Hunter Ocean.
About Her Crews
She formed her crew Random Sunshine because she wanted to express her love for randomness and kindness. Her crew is faithful and willing to work whenever someone needs a hand pillaging or doing other activities. She works together with them to have a good time and to spread joy and fun to others around the Ocean of Hunter. Her senior officer Diamondrose is always going to stick around with Ceary and her crew.
Her co-captain was Diamondrose. When Ceary was away, Diamondrose took her place as Captain. Diamondrose was helpful and did well in watching the crew for Ceary when she was gone in mid-June of 2008.
By the end of September 2008, many people had left Random Sunshine, while many had stayed. It was sad for Ceary to see all her friends go, but she let them choose where they wanted to be. As of October 3rd, Ceary's crew has growns smaller and smaller. On January 3rd, 2009, Ceary left Random Sunshine to Gasoline, Dressedinred, and Oniboo, her hearties and crew mates, to make a new crew Eclipsed Moon.
Ceary created Eclipsed Moon to express how wonderful she thinks her friends are and welcomed all that felt rejected or as if they do not belong in the old crew Random Sunshine. It is a new beginning for Ceary and her close friends.
Sadly, on April 11th, 2009, Ceary merged Eclipsed Moon with Defiant Existence, her hearty Teet's crew. After that, Ceary joined as a senior officer in Dressedinred's crew, Burnt Offerings, where she was much happier because most of her friends resided there, but she did not stay forever.
Her Flags
She moved from the flag Killer Penguins to Wicked Peace, but felt unsure so she permanently moved to her original flag Echidna's Children. After many months, she created her own flag called Random Creativity. After January 3rd, 2009, Ceary left her spot as queen to make her own crew again and joined the flag of Wandering where she was princess.
Her Positions in Her Crews
Eternal Hydrae: cabin person, pirate
- War - Heroes -: officer, fleet officer, senior officer
Phoenix Rising: officer
Random Sunshine: captain
Eclipsed Moon: captain
Burnt Offerings: senior officer
Sea Sirens: senior officer
Merciless Fate: fleet officer, senior officer
Aurora's Wrath: senior officer
The Mafia Line: fleet officer, senior officer
Avius Anima: senior officer
Further flags and rankings are not known from this point on.
Her Family and Hearties
Diamondrose was one of Ceary's sister who she misses deeply because Diamondrose is away from Puzzle Pirates so much lately. They first met in late March of 2008 and ever since they have been together in crews and will always be best mates. Diamondrose helped Ceary create her first crew Random Sunshine and stayed with her through thick and thin.
Crips was very dear to Ceary and she always misses when she cannot talk to him for even a day. They are very close and enjoy talking a lot, but they do love chatting flooding! She enjoys drawing avatars and portraits for him and their family on Puzzle Pirates.
Izzycooll, who was formally Izzycool, was Ceary's first hearty in the game and is her sister. She has known Izzycooll since she was a greenie. They met when Ceary wanted to sell Izzy a pair of boots for an good and low price. Ever since trying to sell Izzy a pair of boots, they have been best hearties, even through hardships and hurt feelings. Ceary and Izzy have been friends the longest and they have never stayed out of contact.
Dressedinred was one of Ceary's best hearties as well. She met her in June of 2008 when Ceary was in a tailoring shoppe on Aimuari during one of her random shopping sprees for random clothing, and ever since they have been inseparable. Ceary has had a lot of fun with Dressedinred, especially the constant random moments and creating new crews to have friends in to talk with. Ceary joined with Dressedinred's crew Burnt Offerings after many months of being her captain. She became her Senior Officer for the first time.
In the summer of 2008, Ceary met Fergiegurl because of Diamondrose. Ceary was thrilled with meeting a new friend and the friendship grew fast. Ever since Fergiegurl, also known as Mintie, has been one of Ceary's best friends. Mintie joined Ceary's crew after a long time of being just a hearty. To this day, both Mintie and Ceary are crew mates as well as best friends.
Sydax and Ceary met each other back when Ceary was a greenie in December of 2007. He gave her a cat for Christmas that year and ever since he has been a Puzzle Pirates father to her. He has given her so much and she has shown him much appreciation.
When Ceary met Sparrowsjack, she met Reereez and Foxynana. Reereez has been a Puzzle Pirates mother to Ceary ever since she met her. When Ceary as going through a hard time back in November and December of 2008, Reereez would do her best to listen to her and help her out when she was feeling sad. Foxynana also was there for Ceary and has become one of her best mates. Sparrowsjack and Ikonta recently become more involved with helping Ceary out when she was in a tight spot and ever since these two have been two very good friends to Ceary.
Moments of Memories
Back in late summer of 2008, Gaea came to rename a ship, for Ceary, that was a gift for Izzycool. Dressedinred, Ceary, and Izzycool were all on the ship at the time of Gaea's arrival to rename the ship. Gaea and the threesome had a conversation about books and how to apply to be an oceanmaster.
In April of 2009, Yourfears declared himself as a flirtatious person and Dressedinred made him a flirt of Burnt Offerings. Ceary remembered what he said and put that in the flag info of their flag, Pleasant Dreams on YPPedia.
On July 7th, 2009, Ceary wanted to get a karkinos and asked Raziel for one. He agreed and he got her a navy and bronze karkinos. She then named the unnamed Karkinos, Wowza after Raziel. He was touched and replied with an "awwwwww" then exclaimed he loved Ceary and said he felt so special.
For Raziel's birthday on July 29th, 2009, Ceary, Wheaties, Bucaroo, and Eventide and many other crew friends got together money to get him a sloop because he lost his sloop the day before in his first Cursed Isles trip. Ceary sold off some of her stuff and asked Wheaties if he could pitch in some money, and Bucaroo and Eventide as well. Ceary spent over 30k of her money and the others covered the rest of the 55k. Ceary got together enough money to get a sloop on Aimuari for 55k from Bluebel, a hearty of Ceary. Everyone who pitched in got credit for the awesome birthday gift. Bucaroo and Eventide helped rename the sloop, the Hellacious Houndshark. Raziel was thrilled with his gift and was so thankful. He was seen "huggle pouncing" all those who helped out.
Raziel and Ceary met in the game by chance through friends. They talked and found out that they had much more in common than they ever thought was possible. They got to know each other and were best friends. Soon after they realized they liked each other more than friends. Couple weeks later, they met up in real life, but time went on and they are now no longer together.
Owned Renamed Sloops
One of the sloops renamed by Ceary is the Spontaneous Creativity which is painted yellow and light blue. The other ship is the Sunshiny Seahorse which is painted yellow and white.
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