Trompt As Writ

From YPPedia
Trompt As Writ
Left-facing Weavery on
Terra Island (Jade Archipelago)
Meridian Ocean
Owner Pieterse
Erected May 2006
Building-Meridian-Trompt As Writ.png

Trompt As Writ is a weavery shoppe on Terra Island on the Meridian Ocean. The building is named because instructions for weaving different patterns often have the peddles pressed in various sequences. Patterns which require the peddles to be depressed in sequence (1,2,3..) are marked 'tromp as writ'.

Prior to the ocean merge in early 2012, the building was located on the Viridian Ocean, where it was placed in May of 2006. On the Viridian Ocean, the building was formerly called A Million Little Fibers.

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