Neptune's Navy

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Neptune's Navy at a Glance
Meridian Ocean
Captain Isidoraqueen (Dormant)
Senior Officer(s) Abnigation (Dormant), Jian (Dormant), Phelipa (Dormant), Vivemaria (Dormant), Xulp
Politics Democratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation The Dead Men
Founded 14 June, 2005
Last updated on 17 November, 2016
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Neptune's Navy is a crew of the Meridian Ocean. It was founded on 14 June 2005 by Karinam on the former Viridian Ocean.


In November 2005, Neptune's Navy united with the crews Infestus, Pontus Euxinus and Silver Dragons as part of the monarchy under the flag Diutina Amicitia. This union was not a happy one as several officers disagreed about whether to have a war flag or remain independent.

By the end of December 2005, Karinam decided to step down as captain and left Neptune's Navy. The crew left Diutina Amicitia at that same time. Another mass exodus of crewmates followed, leaving behind a fractured crew. The handful of officers left decided to keep the crew going, electing Abnigation as the new captain.

Public statement

Behind every good Captain, there is a great crew

Hi and welcome to Neptune's Navy. Our crew is all about having fun and enjoying yourself as the game intends. This is best obtained when we can follow the rules below.

Our Crew Rules

  1. If you need to leave the ship give warning. However do NOT leave while in SF. To do so will have automatic booty deduction. Disconnecting counts as leaving battle.
  2. Abandoning duty stations can only result in YOUR standings dropping and slowing ship repairs, so it is best to stay at a station and do your best. If ye need to have a minute break let the officers know. If ye will be away from computer for more than that please leave vessel and ask to come back later.
  3. Lazing will not be tolerated. Ye should not need to be told to station, if ye see damage go and help fix. If ye do not station after 1 league ye will be planked. If ye laze during battle ye will be deducted booty- do it twice will be planked. Laze on many pillages ye may be demoted to expelled.
  4. Also do not argue with officers over wich station ye want to do. Please follow yer orders. Only crew officers may Nav and Bnav on a pillage. Officers will be gunners unless only one on ship, then if ye are Pirate in crew please ask first. We look for Master gunners first, only current stats count. Pirates that gun out of turn may be demoted.
  5. All our officers are experienced, so please listen to them, they know what is best for everyone on board.
  6. Please do not disrespect any of your crew mates. Poor attitude may get ye demoted.
  7. PTB- ask Permission to Board before going on any vessel. You will be planked if you do not. Repeatedly breaking this rule may lead to demotion or even expulsion.
  8. Above all, have fun. REMEMBER THIS IS JUST A GAME. These rules are to make efficient and fun pillages.


Full memberships are given at port, if ye have worked hard. Everyone starts as Cabin Person, those who have worked hard and proven themselves trustworthy will be offered promotion

MINIMUM Requirements for promotion to:-

PIRATE 2 broad pirate skills and yellow name plus Pirates badge!

OFFICER: 3 Broad and 2 Solid Pirate Skills in Carp, Bilge, Sails, Guns, & BattleNav (with Respected rank); and trust from your fellow mates. plus Officer Badge & Ship Deed (getting expensive!)

FLEET OFFICER: Expert Piracy skills in Officer puzzles, Complete trust from SO and Captain, plus a Ship Deed.

SENIOR OFFICER Recommended by Fellow Senior Officers and Ratified By Captain (Plus Senior Officers Badge!!)

**Captain and SOs reserve the right to not promote if we feel ye not right characteristics for a rank.