Midnight Olympiad/Registration
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Midnight Olympiad |
Registration |
Competitors |
Schedule |
Results |
Event Rules |
Registration is now closed. |
Edit this page to register for the Olympiad.
Further information on the Olympiad may be found in this Events Thread.
Below, please list the following information:
- Feegle, Ruby, Fencing, Feegle, feegle@feegleswebhost.com
- Feegle (Figuel, Figgel, and Feagull), Ruby, Brawl, Feegle, feegle@feegleswebhost.com
- Monkmiroku, Diamond, Fencing, Monkmiroku
- Angara, Emerald, Drinking, nalle5, e1701@spray.se
- Angara (Blimb), Emerald, Sloop Race, Angry Angler, nalle5, e1701@spray.se
- Pinkylee, Ruby, Drinking, Pinkylee2
- Shar, Diamond, Drinking, sharon7
- Hogwash (Erdnase), Diamond, Sloop race, Boring Piranha, Piggerina
- Jenfa, Coral, Fencing, Flapjackjen
- Yellowshanks (w/ Antinumerica), Ruby, Sloop Race, Creative Flounder, camdogg, camdogg@hotmail.com
- Thewarden, Emerald, Drinking, jahathedark, Warden_stadler@hotmail.com
- Thewarden, Emerald, Fencing, jahathedark, Warden_stadler@hotmail.com, 2'nd event if still allowed
- Wildrose (Burr), Ruby, Sloop Race, Dumb Shiner, 1ikate, piratematie-wildrose@yahoo.com
- Blinkkidmutt, Diamond, Drinking, Blinkkid, Blinkkidalways@yahoo.com
- Redblade(w/Balkington)Emerald,sloop race,Believable herring, Rostiboy@hotmail.com.
- Orangekid, Emerald, Fencing, socrates200X, ricardo.e.gonzalez@gmail.com
- Angellic, Opal, Fencing, Angel00
- Akana,Jet,Drinking,Akana06,chic79b@yahoo.com
- Rickymix,Saphire,Fencing,Kostenchad,Weirdals22@yahoo.com
- Yukinon, Coral, Drinking, Yukinon
- Yukinon, Coral, Fencing, Yukinon
- Kargach, Emerald, Drinking, Kargach, kargach@yahoo.com
- Henchy (w/ Venuschild and snowflakess), Brawl,animenerd2, nicholasdwolfwood_96@hotmail.com
- Shiskra(w/ Donsmythe), coral, sloop race, Heartless Havoc, Shiskra, iseepurplecows@msn.com
- Texta,Saphire,Fencing,Rcavanaugh,Rcavanaugh1017@aol.com
- Kingsully (w\captanhook),sapphire,sloop race, Fantastic Trout,Jarom4wheel,jr2559@ms.wasatch.edu
- Themachine, Opal, Drinking, TheMachine9, themachine999@gmail.com
- Themachine, Opal, Fencing, TheMachine9, themachine999@gmail.com
- Themachine (w/Morgana), Opal, Sloop Race, TheMachine9, Moral Spot, themachine999@gmail.com
- Drilly (Lj), Emerald, Sloop Race, Moral Zebra, Drilly, patscho@gmail.com
- Angellic, Opal, Drinking, Angel00
- Kargach, Emerald, Fencing, Kargach, kargach@yahoo.com
- Amarylis (w/Peeteegee), Opal, Sloop Race, (ship to be determined),silverangl, sntgd01@hotmail.com
- Amarylis, Opal, Drinking, silverangl, sntgd01@hotmail.com
- Ceylon (w/Esperetta), Jet, Sloop Race, Small Puffer, SeanaMO, ceylonpirate@comcast.net
- Ceylon, Jet, Drinking, SeanaMO, ceylonpirate@comcast.net
- Akana (w/Bobdylan), Jet, Sloop Race, Reserved Clownfish, Akana06,chic79b@yahoo.com
- Neva, Jet, Drinking, Nevadak, nevada_37_rules@hotmail.com
- Wellingtionn, Diamond, Fencing, Welllingtion.
- Seerauber (Kipdg), Coral, Sloop Race, Blackened Tan, bcsingingmom
- Silentwolf, Ruby, Fencing, a11ycat, a11y_cat@hotmail.com
- Silentwolf (w/Ratnose), Ruby,Sloop Race, Silent Wolffish, a11ycat, a11y_cat@hotmail.com
- Slyderm (TBD),Diamond,Sloop Race,Tricky Mullet,Vanilla83,M-woish@hotmail.com
- Slyderm,Diamond,Drinking,Vanilla83,M-woish@hotmail.com
- Slyderm,Diamond,Fencing,Vanilla83,M-woish@hotmail.com
- Slyderm (+2 TBD),Diamond,Brawl,Vanilla83,M-woish@hotmail.com
- Christiella(w/Kaiah tbc), Sloop Race, Emerald Active Bluegill (prolly) maccad_1471
- Colbag (w/anderson), Sloop Race, Jet, The Bluenose, Dark Judgement, Colbag, colbag@hotmail.com
- Jegregious, Emerald, Single Fencing, Egregious, Llamallord@msn.com
- Yankeesfan,(Darkmemory, Roots, Codee) Dimond 3 v 3 Brawl Sehorn31sv@yahoo.com
- Lyst, Midnight, fencing, Lystrodom, lystrodom@gmail.com
- Shark (Chihiro, Deidremac, and Sunny), Ruby, Brawl, RaelShark, shark@ransackmarauders.com
- Sivius, Diamond, Drinking, sivius