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Blackied is a senior officer in the crew Pursuit of Happiness and princess of flag No Apologies on the Sage Ocean.
Contributions and Achievements
- Former officer of Devil's Advocate
- Former fleet officer of Swashbucklers of Sage
- Former fleet officer of Drunken Sailors
- Former senior officer of The Sons of Jor-El
- Former senior officer of Death Wish
- Former princess of Eternal Glory
- #1 blacksmith
- #1 forager
- Established Gull's first and currently only trading post
- Memmed the entire Sage Ocean
Shoppes and Stalls
Owns: Forecastle iron monger on Scrimshaw Island
Owns: Great White Shirt tailor on Scrimshaw Island
Manages: Blade Runner iron monger on Admiral Island
Owns: Blackied's Tailoring Stall on Admiral Island
Owns: Blackied's Apothecary Stall on Admiral Island
Owns: Blackied's Weaving Stall on Scrimshaw Island
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