Black Dragon

From YPPedia
Black Dragon at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Monarch Louberry of Dragon's Dreams
Member crew(s) Dragon's Dreams
Founded 3 November, 2006
Dormant or disbanded as of 10 February, 2009
Favicon.png Flag Info

Black Dragon was a flag on the Viridian Ocean


Black Dragon is a free and independent flag. Our allies are people we trust and our enemies people we actively try to crush with flag hunting contests. Declarations of war are rare and hard thought. Black Dragon reserves the right to engage anyone in PVP battle be they allie or enemy. Allies aren't as important as friends so we'd rather sail with you and ask you to sail with us than ask you to ally with our flag.


Black Dragon is democratic; everyone in this flag has a say on how it is run and equal value is placed on the opinions of all flag members in every crew. The Flag's Monarch changes at intervals and is often shared between Dreamweaver and Louberry.

The flag has games and contests as well as shops with discounts for all members. What a ship? Ask Dreamweaver if there are any abandoned. They are sold to flag mates at cost of delivery. Goods for shops are transported frequently. Need something picked up? Ask and you shall receive.


Black Dragon was founded by Dreamweaver on November 3, 2006. Its only crew was Dragon's Dreams. In February of 2007, Mischievous Mulberries joined them.

Public Statement


Extended Public Statement

We are the free & independent flag of the Black Dragon. Our allies are people we trust and our enemies people we want to crush. We won't declare war but we reserve the right to engage anyone not in our ring. We are democratic... If you have an issue with one of our members & their captain can't help, look up our royalty.

We expect & demand fair play. Come play with us. Our queen acts as a mediator and leader when needed, but in this flag democracy rules.