Event guidelines

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These policies and guidelines may change; updates will be provided here without previous notice.

🏆 Claiming Prizes from OM-hosted Events

In most OM events, prizes are pre-determined and will be sent directly to the winners' inventories. However, in some cases, winners may need to choose their prizes or provide additional information, such as type, color, or pirate details. Your prompt cooperation in these instances is highly appreciated.

Please submit a petition with the required information within 4 weeks of the announcement of the winners. Unfortunately, if prizes remain unclaimed after this period, they will be forfeited. Don't miss out on your well-deserved rewards; remember to claim them within the 4-week deadline!

🌟 How to Request OM Assistance for Your Event

  • You should be at least a fleet officer to host an OM-supported event.
  • Events should be open to anyone. Crew or flag contests are welcome, but they are not suitable for requesting OM support.
  • No events will be OM-supported if you profit from them.
  • You are responsible for getting your event organized and running.
  • The event organizer should supply the majority of the prizes.
  • The event host should have an established history of running events.
  • The event should align with the host's past experience.
  • Once you're ready, send your email using the template at least 4 weeks before the event is to be posted.

🤝 OM Involvement

  • You are welcome to invite OMs as guests to your events; we're always happy to join if time permits.
  • You can use OM names in a tasteful, creative event, but do not expect OMs to be actively involved (e.g., as part of a scavenger hunt).
  • Events should not actively involve OMs or Ringers without their explicit consent.
  • While it has occasionally happened, OMs or Ringers are unlikely to actively participate in player events as rules enforcers, participants, or judges.
  • Any OM involvement must be agreed upon via email using the template at least 4 weeks before the event is to be posted. This process should be completed before posting.

⛔ Offering Real-life Prizes

We do not permit events on this site to offer prizes requiring winners to provide mailing addresses or personal information. Please refrain from including such prizes in your events.

The only exceptions to this rule are real-life YPP items explicitly approved via OM-Assistence. In such cases, Grey Havens will handle mailing directly.

❌Events Not Eligible for OM Support

We encourage our players to get creative with their events! Each event has unique circumstances, and you’re welcome to host them. However, for the purpose of OM support, the following are not considered events:

  • Pillaging
  • Expeditions, Flotillas, or Monster Hunts
  • Parlor games
  • Tournaments
  • Weddings
  • Lotteries, Raffles, Auctions
  • Events with entrance fees


  • Bands and gemstone rings are available from the Palace shoppe and can be inscribed.
  • Weddings are not considered standalone events and will only be broadcast if combined with another broadcast-worthy event.
  • Weddings are not officially supported, but we'd appreciate an invite and will attend if time permits❣️

Lotteries, Raffles, Auctions, and Entrance Fees

  • Lotteries, Raffles, Auctions, and events with entrance fees are allowed, but participants enter at their own risk.
  • While claims of wrongdoing or cheating will be thoroughly investigated, no poe or lost items will be returned, even if the hosting party is found at fault. In other words, only enter if you trust the person or people hosting it.
  • Those organizing lotteries, raffles, or auctions should include the following disclaimer in their event description:

"This event, like any lottery, raffle, or auction, is run at the participants' risk. In case of cheating or wrongdoing, the culprit will be punished, but no poe will be returned to the affected participants. Only enter if you trust the event hosts."

📝Event Posting Guidelines

  • We recommend posting your full event on YPPedia at least 2 weeks before the event or the closing date for contests.
  • Make sure your event post includes the following:
    • Rules
    • Date and time
    • Location (island/ocean/house)
    • Target audience
    • Prizes
    • Fees (if any)
    • Any additional relevant information.
  • Post a summary in the Events section on Discord, linking to the YPPedia post.
  • Make sure that your post subject includes the event title and the date and time so that other event runners can see when events are happening and try to avoid conflicts.
  • Keep your event posts relevant; off-topic or annoying content may be removed without warning.

📌 Noticeboard Listing

There is no need to email to request a noticeboard listing of your event; it's a process handled independently. If you'd like your event included in the 'Unofficial' section of the Events page, simply submit a petition. Include the URL to your event post and title your petition "Noticeboard Event." To be listed, your event should meet the following criteria:

  • Good prizes
  • Open to a large number of people
  • Sufficient notice
  • Well-planned and good-quality post
  • No entry fee, not for profit

If your event is hosted in a house or shoppe, you can also throw a Party!

📢 Event Broadcast

Players can announce their events in global chat, provided they avoid spamming. Additionally, OMs may sometimes broadcast large events.

If you still desire an OM broadcast, please email your request 4 weeks in advance using the event template. The criteria for a broadcast are similar to those for a noticeboard listing, with the added condition that the event must be appropriate for broadcasting.

Broadcasts will only be agreed upon for some events. As a minimum, broadcast events need to be non-profit events with significant prizes, open to a large number of pirates. Even with approval, all broadcasts are at the sole discretion of the OM on duty. They will always try their best to help with broadcasts, but if they are unable to do so, please respect their decision.

If you receive approval for a broadcast:

  • About one hour before you need the broadcast, submit a petition including a short, informative message containing:
    • the URL for your event post
    • a contact pirate if needed
    • the event title.

The message should be no longer than what would fit in a normal /speak or /tell message.

OMs onduty will only execute broadcasts for events that were pre-approved.

⚔️ Blockade Event

Check the blockade event page for more details on event blockades that your flag can host, or that can be hosted on Ringer Islands.

🚫 Suspending Blockades for Events

Flags can always schedule blockade events to prevent attacks on their islands during an event. However, if you're running a large event during scheduled blockade periods and need to pause blockades on one or more islands because of the timing of the event, follow these steps:

  • Submit your request via email to events@puzzlepirates.com at least 8 weeks in advance.
  • Include "Blockade Suspension" in the subject.
  • Include a layout of your event using the event template.
  • Explain why you're requesting blockades to be turned off and why an event blockade will not suffice.
  • List the island(s) that belong to your flag where you're requesting the suspension.

If Approved

  • Post confirmation on the Discord Parley for the ocean at least 3 weeks in advance and link to the event announcement in YPPedia or the ocean’s parley. Clearly state which island(s) won't be open for blockades during your event.
  • Update your event post to inform the ocean that your flag won't participate in any blockades due to event preparations, conveying your commitment to hosting a fun event.
  • Remind your flag members, especially royals, about the blockade restriction to ensure they focus on event preparation.
  • Send a petition a week before the event (preferably early in the week) as a reminder to turn off blockades.

Important Notice

If you seek to suspend blockades during a large event, it's assumed your flag won't have time to participate in blockade activities. Therefore, during the blockade suspension period, the flag hosting the event is prohibited from engaging in blockades or soliciting allies to attack other flags. This restriction applies to all crews within the flag, encompassing members of all ranks.

Flag members are welcome to spectate blockades, chat, carouse, pillage, or log in anytime. Still, active blockade participation is expected to be refrained from during the specified timeframe. Workarounds to circumvent this policy will be taken seriously, potentially affecting the chances of receiving OM support on future events.

Our goal is to support well-planned, large-scale events, not to hinder blockades. This process is designed to ensure a successful event for the entire ocean and will only be granted for events that are substantial in scale, well-thought-out, offer significant prizes and demonstrate committed flag participation.

🌐 Global Events and International Oceans

  • Global or ocean-specific events posted in YPPedia or Discord must be in English, including the post and entries.
  • Global events run by OMs: winners are welcome to claim prizes on any ocean they choose.
  • Global events run by players: winners can claim prizes in other oceans only if the event host offers that option.
  • Ocean-specific events: prizes can only be claimed on the ocean where the event was hosted.
  • OMs won't assist with translations.
  • Prizes inscribed in English may be replaced with the ocean's language.

See Also