Talk:Event guidelines

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Very not done yet. Still need to adjust layout/order, remove redundancies, and dig through and add info from
Ask Uncle Apollo

--Nemesis 22:54, 1 April 2011 (UTC)

I don't mind having a go at some of this, but I'm very green to wiki editing. At a glance, there's a few things I'd like to change and rearrange, but given my inexperience, not without some discussion first. And some re-reading the tutorials. For starters, I'd like to add in Jade to the Opal information, and change the Language-specific ocean prize information to reflect what's been updated into the Forum Events Howto. Any objections? ~ imp

That's updated; other than the first paragraph the wording is identical to the forum guide. Next I'd like to put the language-specific oceans under its own topic since it covers more policy than just prizes alone.
Regarding event planning, there is a page already with the email information and template at Event Planning. Would it make sense to cut most of that section on this page, change it to a brief explanation and give the link? I do have a tendency to slash and burn ~ imp

Snowpixie 20:37, 11 May 2011 (UTC)

The brief explanation and link makes sense to me. The second last dot point in the "notes" part seems to be a repeat of the info in the paragraph, though. --Adrielle ♥ =) 02:43, 12 May 2011 (UTC)
Thanks, I might just take out the first paragraph and make do with the dot points. ~ imp Snowpixie 08:38, 13 May 2011 (UTC)
Did that, it's just the dot points now. And I've changed the OM-assistance request stuff to just the single paragraph and the link to Event planning. Is it okay like it is now, or should I leave out the email part, as that's on the Event planning page anyway? Snowpixie 08:58, 13 May 2011 (UTC)