Renagade Rebels

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Revision as of 13:27, 19 October 2016 by Gunnerfreak (talk | contribs) (Updating Infobox: Monarch stepped down or left Flag -> left no replacement(-hasmonarch); mark defunct & + in intro. Headings case fixes. + Template:Flagstub.)
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Renagade Rebels at a Glance
Meridian Ocean
Last Monarch Sweetsusie (Left Flag) of Renagades (Disbanded)
Member crew(s) Kitty 'n Rooster Raiders
Founded 6 December, 2009
Abandoned as of 2 March, 2012
Favicon.png Flag Info

Renagade Rebels is a defunct flag on the Meridian Ocean.

Public statement

With a Rebel yell she cried "more, more, more!"

Extended public statement

Ahoy, Renagade Rebels are currently looking for strong crews who like to pillage, show strong flag support and enjoy a welcoming flag.

We are a mature flag and flag officer chat at times leans to mature lanuguage and subjects..... thus if you don't like raunchy chat this might not be the place for you....

Renagade Rebels encourages working within the flag, helping flaggies on pillages, having fun with pvp's and blockades.

If you are interested in joining us please contact any royal and we will gladly take the time to discuss with you your needs and wants from th e flag aswell. Each crew will be granted 1 titled position. Royal positions are not given out lightly. Loyality to the flag, maturity and leadership will be taken into account before Royal positions are granted.

We DO NOT par take in the "do not PVP allies" rule.... and attack all on the sea

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