Aces of Spades

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This is an article about a Sage Ocean flag. For the Viridian Ocean flag, see Ace of Spade.
Aces of Spades at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Monarch Redfishblue of Motley Crew
Member crew(s) Motley Crew, Ultimate Cousins
Founded 24 February, 2007
dormant as of 20 January, 2012

Aces of Spades is a dormant flag on the Sage Ocean. The flag was founded February 24th, 2007.

Public Statement

This is the Ace of Spades.If u declare war u will b wasting your time we dont want to go to war quite yet we would rather form alliances.We like to have fun and make friends.We r new but grwing would u join?

aspring=can't join flag

rumored-noted= 1-2 royals (captains choice)

established-renowned= 3 royals captains choice

celebrated-emint= 4 royals captains choice

illistross= 5royals (captains choice) AND

3-4 titled members (captains choice)

we would love for u to join the flag why don't you

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