The Vicious Fishes

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Revision as of 08:55, 17 August 2010 by 13berger (talk | contribs)
The Vicious Fishes at a Glance
Hunter Ocean
Captain Horcrux
Senior Officer(s) Bunkum, Lunett, Kingmet, Incubus, Ruthlessred, Glowingblade, Robinhoodd
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Blood in the Water
Founded 12 April, 2010
Last updated on 29 June, 2010
Favicon.png Crew Info
Crews-The Vicious Fishes.jpg

The Vicious Fishes is a crew that sails the Hunter Ocean. It was created in the year 2010 on April 12. The crew was founded by Remnant, who handed captain-hood down to Horcrux. The Vicious Fishes is the founding crew of the flag Blood in the Water. In June 2010 the crew reached no 1 on the Crew Fame list and was a home for more than 250 pirates.

Public Statement

You know you want to.

Extended Public Statement

ABOUT US Ahoy! We're the only major personality-based crew on the ocean. We recruit and promote based on personality, not stats.

RECRUITMENT PRIZES We have a unique recruitment award system. This is how it works: tell us ONE of TWO things--what you want as a prize, or how many people you want to recruit. Prizes can be anything! Ships (anywhere from sloops to war frigs), swords, clothing, art, trinkets!

RANKS Anybody with an officer badge can become an officer. If you need training, we give it to you. To become FO, take our free Officer Evaluation. If you do well, you can become an FO. If you are extremely skilled in B-Nav OR personality, you can even join our elite XO Team, the Lubbers Not Fighters, or become one of our blockade navvers!

BENEFITS We offer unique programs geared to help you enjoy the game. We have a Poker Fund (that gives you short-term loans to use for card games), an XO Team (the Lubbers Not Fighters), a team for people who love B-Nav, a group of trainers & recruiters, etc. We love to help you play the game!

RULES Don't be a dick. That is all. Thanks!

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