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The expedition report screen

Expeditions are an activity that can occur during pillages. They are randomly obtained by defeating brigands or barbarians at sea while set to the pillaging voyage configuration or getting one from a Black Box, or in the case of imperial outposts, accessed by purchasing a chart from the explorers' hall. There are currently four types of expedition:

Winning news of an expedition

News of an expedition won from a brigand or barbarian will be displayed in the Booty Pillaged ahoy, and a new expedition will appear beneath the Ahoy! tab, giving information about the currently active expedition. More information can be found on the expedition report screen, which lists all of the current expeditions, and where they may be found. Expedition locations are indicated relative to the ship's currently-charted course. The distance may read:

  • Here
  • Less than 1 league
  • X leagues
  • Earlier in current course
  • Not on current course

Only one expedition may be active at any one time, though the specific active expedition may be changed by any crew member ranked officer or above on the expedition report screen. Expedition information will be lost upon dividing the booty whether or not it has been completed. Note that unlike sea monster hunt maps, the expedition league point is not a special point, meaning the normal rules of charting courses still apply - namely, the route must end at an island, not the expedition league point itself.

Brigand King Sighting

Latest release clock.png This article documents a recently-released or modified feature.
Information is still being collected and may change rapidly.
Main article: Brigand King

Occasionally, defeated brigands and barbarians will have news of a Brigand King nearby, allowing pirates to chase and engage the Brigand King's ship. Unlike the random encounters that was previously the only (and no longer possible) means of engaging a Brigand King in battle, the sighting expedition scales the difficulty of the Brigand King to match the pirates' abilities. Defeating a Brigand King via an expedition will still award a trinket to experienced pirates on board.

Buried Treasure

File:Expedition ahoy.png
The buried treasure ahoy
The buried treasure icon

One type of expedition involves receiving information pertaining to the location of buried treasure. This expedition will direct you to an atoll located at a nearby league point indicated by an X on the ye known world map and league tracker - red if the expedition is active, and grey if inactive. Upon reaching the league point, any officer in the crew owning the ship can order the pirates aboard onto the atoll by pressing the "Dig for treasure" button located on the Ahoy! tab. The crew will be deposited on the atoll, and be informed to dig for treasure. Buried in the island, usually near an X of some sort, there is a foraging puzzle station, which allows all crew members to forage for chests. Any officer in the crew owning the ship can order everyone to leave the island at any time from an option on the Ahoy! tab. There will be a message when nearly all of the chests have been foraged, and another when the last chests have been cleared. As in a normal sea battle, PoE earned will be placed into the booty, with pirates aboard receiving their share, which is not added to the pirate's total earnings on the pillage summary. When the booty is divided, pirates will get additional PoE from the chests, whether or not they are still aboard the ship. The amount of PoE earned in these chests will be dependent on the number and skill level of the pirates aboard the ship at the time the expedition was won from brigands.

A buried treasure atoll

Merchant Hunt

Another type of expedition involves allowing you to track a merchant ship at any point in the ocean, the merchant ship will behave normally and contain whatever commodities it was shipping, along with some PoE. This type of expedition will be listed as complete either upon defeat of the merchant ship, or when the merchant ship ports. The ship will appear as a small ship icon on the ye known world map - again, red if the expedition is active, and grey if inactive.


The shipwreck ahoy
The shipwreck icon

A third type of expedition comprises of sailing to a nearby shipwreck, located at a league point. On the ye known world map and league tracker the wreck is designated by a partly sunk ship icon, again- red if the expedition is active, and grey if it is not. Upon reaching the league point, a "Haul Treasure!" button becomes available in the Ahoy! tab. If clicked, a Treasure Haul game begins. Unlike a Buried Treasure expedition, there are no chests to be hauled. A message and duty report is displayed when all PoE has been hauled from the sunken ship.

A shipwreck expedition league point.

Black Box Maps

Occasionally, a map to an expedition can be found by opening a black box. These maps either have crossed shovels(for a buried treasure expedition), or a sunken ship (for a Shipwreck)

Imperial Outpost

Main article: Imperial outpost

Another possible type of expedition involves raiding an Imperial outpost. A chart must be purchased from an explorers' hall, which leads to a tiny island denoted with a crown icon in the ocean view. After an Imperial ship is sunk during a sea battle, a swordfight takes place on the island. If the pirates win the swordfight, PoE, cannon balls, and rum are placed in the ship's hold.


Spoiler warning: Details about trophies are hidden below.