Deviant Behaviour

From YPPedia
Revision as of 16:48, 11 June 2008 by Misterblonde (talk | contribs)
Deviant Behaviour at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Monarch Sashamorning of Luminescent Dragonflies
Member crew(s) Luminescent Dragonflies, The Sea Witches, It's All Been Done
Wars None
Last updated on 11 June, 2008
Favicon.png Flag Info
Flags-Deviant Behaviour.jpg

Deviant Behaviour is a flag on the Sage Ocean. It was founded on October 30, 2007, from a name change by the flag Heaven's Demons. It was originally formed on February 18, 2006 by a group leaving the flag Wings of Fire.

Governing Body

Monarch - Sashamorning of Luminescent Dragonflies


Titled Members