
From YPPedia
Revision as of 14:11, 27 June 2007 by Atxs tnt (talk | contribs)

Kevmarada (more comonly known as Kev) washed up on the shores of the Viridian Ocean on May 13, 2007. He is a pirate, who having been in the game for only 2 weeks became an officer of the crew BLACK LEGION, which is a Portuguese crew. Kevmarada, not having the slightest idea how to speak Portuguese, has managed to overcome those obstacles.

Having become an officer he felt he needed a ship and was given a bad deal that saw him lose out some PoE and doubloons.

Kevamarada currently owns 2 sloops and is looking to invest in a cutter. He is currently a fleet officer and drunk in the same crew.

--kev 07:11, 27 June 2007 (PDT)

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