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'''Fiddlers Green''' is a totally ficticious [[crew]] that sails the [[Sage Ocean|Sage Ocean]]. The crew currently flies the [[flag]] of [[Dilligaf]].
'''Fiddlers Green''' is a totally ridiculous [[crew]] that sails the [[Sage Ocean|Sage Ocean]]. The crew currently flies the [[flag]] of [[Dilligaf]].

Revision as of 00:50, 28 July 2007

Fiddlers Green at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Captain Ariens
Senior Officer(s) Meepitzer, Namanth, Orz, Araminarose
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Dilligaf
Founded 30 August, 2006
Last updated on 8 May, 2007
Favicon.png Crew Info

Fiddlers Green is a totally ridiculous crew that sails the Sage Ocean. The crew currently flies the flag of Dilligaf.

History of Fiddlers Green

Fiddlers Green was founded on 30 August 2006 by Ariens and Belt.

"Fiddlers Green...the heavenly land of sailors, where there is perpetual mirth, a fiddle that never ceases to play and an endless supply of rum."

On 26 February 2007 the crew joined the flag Dilligaf. Our allies are currently:

Contributions / Activities

  • Hosted a Drunken pillage aboard the Booze Cruise open to the entire ocean on 22 June 2007 to celebrate the promotion to Officer of Belyn.
  • During August of 2005 hosted weekly greenie pillage to help new players become familiar with proper pillaging edicate.

Public Statement

Ahoy! This be a crew in which we aim to create an enjoyable place for our members, where everyone is treated with respect. Our pillages will be successful when everyone pitches in - Puzzles for all! We place emphasis on training our cabin persons up and promoting officers from the ranks. When pillaging with us, we expect you to -

Not leave in battle. If you have to go, do so after battle and before the next.

Team in Swordfights in groups of 2 and 3. No more please, as this will make the swordfight more difficult.

Team in Rumble in groups of 5 if that is possible.

To team: Click on (or use a, s keys) to attack the desired opponent. You are attacking the one with the white box around it. Dots beside that opponent show how many are attacking that person. (Orange Dot = 5).

Always do as the commanding officer (CO) has asked you to do. Failure to do this may result in you exiting the ship very quickly and a -1 for yer trouble!

WARNING: May contain nuts.

Crew Articles (Crew Rules)

Welcome to our crew!

We require every member to enjoy their time in this crew. Therefore we ask that you treat others, regardless of rank, the way you would wish to be treated. There is no tolerance for rudeness in this crew. If you cannot do this, there is no place for you here.

  1. Mates are expected to ask Persmission to Board (PTB) when boarding any ship.
  2. No cursing, swearing or rude behavior.
  3. No lazing without the permission of the Officer in Charge (OIC)
  4. Remember at all times this is a game and have some fun.

Promotion Requirements

As a guide, promotions will be carried out as and when the SO's or Captain feel you are ready. If you're having troubles getting your skills (stats) high enough, consider reading the 'how to' section on a given duty puzzle at that station. You could also ask an officer for help if you're still having troubles. Promotions will be along the lines of -

  • Cabin Person: Ask the OIC after booty has been divided in port.
  • Pirate: A Broad/Master in Gunnery, and a master standing in another duty puzzle ( Carpentry, Sailing or Bilging ) is required. With this rank and a badge it enables you to gun at a station without an order, but doing so will earn you a demotion!

Officer ranks must have success and experience in Battle Navigation. Please note that you can get this without having the officer rank (Navy mission). We also have a number of people both willing and able to teach you; however, you need to show us you're willing to learn. An inability to count seems to help :P

  • Officer: No, you may not be an officer just because you possess a deed to a ship! You must understand and follow the rules regarding borrowing unlocked vessels and restocking to requirements on the officer bulletin board located on the helm. If you are pillaging a vessel it is your responsibility until it is at port and restocked. Trust is a big part of this rank. This rank only runs pillages on sloops and cutters, although for those determined enough, you will be trained how to CO as well as Bnav WB's and WF's!
  • Fleet Officer: A high position of trust. You will be expected to run pillages on a regular basis. This encourages crew mates to want to achieve the best they can in our crew.
  • Senior Officer: This position is not based on Stats, it is based on loyalty and trust. It will be awarded as and when I feel you have served this crew well. You should also demonsrate the willingness to take on responsiblilies for the crew - like training new officers.

External Links

Crew Forums