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Zuper was first created on the Sage Ocean where he is a fleet officer of the crew Vampire's Lament and a member of the flag Deadly Obsession. He was a pirate of the crew Man Overboard and a member of the flag Raving Notion.

On the Midnight Ocean he is a cabin person of the crew The Phoenix Warriors and a member of the flag Tyr's Own.


Zuper was once a pirate on Sage Ocean. He moved from crew to crew. He was first best friends with Pyroasian but he quit so he joined an old friend's crew Light's Darkness and met his current best friend Wonderpope who taught him how to play poker correctly.

After they got fed up with doubloon buyers and lost every PoE to their name, they moved to the Midnight Ocean. Zuper retained his name there but Wonderpope became Wetthecheat. They live in a shack as simple cabin people.

Zuper made a mistake and currently is banned.

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