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Zirriana is senior officer and first mate of the crew The Killer Kings.

When she first made an account on Puzzle Pirates, she was taken straight away by Sonofab, captain of Mings Dynasty. There he taught her how to pillage and lots of tips on how to become a better pirate.

A few Months afterwards, she became dormant, but came online again to find that her crew had been taken over, and Sonofab was dormant. She pillaged with a few crews for a while, frequently changing crews. She then became friends with a pirate, Jamboi, who offered her to join their crew. She and Jamboi became very close friends, and played Puzzle Pirates together for about a year.

In the beginning of 2006, Jamboi decided to go dormant, and handed Zirriana his belongings, including a sloop, which is still very dear to her, the Passionate Tigerfish. Starting to go from crew to crew, she went dormant again, came back online a few months later, and went on a jobbers pillage, where she met, Swanseajack, who was very kind to her, she joined the crew as, officer, She enjoyed being with Swanseajacks crew The Killer Kings, and soon got promoted to fleet officer.

Trouble brewed in The Killer Kings and many officers went dormant and left the crew with very little people left. Zirriana felt it was her duty to help Swanseajack's crew back on its feet, as he had been so kind to her during their time they had got to know each other.

Zirriana was then promoted to senior officer, and soon after that first mate in The Killer Kings, and remains an important part of recruiting people into the crew.