Zimbreu started to play Puzzle Pirates because his friend Raksha started too. So one week after Raksha started on the Sage Ocean, Zimbreu was born. Zimbreu joined A's Gunners commanded by Captandrew. After some weeks of training and crew dedication he became an officer.
Some time later the A's Gunners merged with GODS OF THUNDER lead by Piratepapa and Shellywabbit. After some more months of skills development, already known as Zim, he was promoted to fleet officer. However some weeks after that Piratepapa disbanded the crew leaving all his officers alone. They all stick together and with the help of Shellywabbit they created the Dark Storm Pirates and a new power arose. Zim was promoted to senior officer. On the same day that Dark Storm Pirates was created, Zim and his friend, already known as Rak, opened a tailoring stall and a weaving stall. Unfortunately the business didn't go so well, so Zim was forced to leave the stalls to his friend Pinga. Now the remaining weaving stall belongs to Pinga.
Zim, remained on Dark Storm Pirates untill the crew merged with Ticklers, Zim moved to Silent Fools, today lead by Nidhoeggr.
Zim, always known by his orange clothes, remains in Silent Fools to this day.
Cya Mates