Wrong Turn

From YPPedia
Wrong Turn at a Glance
Emerald Ocean
Captain Cloughy
Senior Officer(s) Killercrews, Wilkie
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Castigo X
Founded 7 January, 2012
Last updated on 10 February, 2012
Favicon.png Crew Info

Wrong Turn is a crew on the Emerald Ocean in the flag Castigo X.

Public Statement

You Dont Turn Corners When your Going Up!

Extended Public Statement

Welcome to Wrong Turn!


Pirate ~ You will join as a pirate

Officer ~ Had experience in Navigating and B-Nav and a good understanding of the game

Fleet Officer ~ You have been loyal to the crew as an Officer, and this position will be decided between Captain and SO

Senior Officer ~ Will be decided by the Captain and SO's

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