Wrath Of The Ocean

From YPPedia
Wrath Of The Ocean at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Evilwouter
Senior Officer(s) Alizee, Ambrealys, Cokedude, Dvdnext, Fooly, Squidsoop
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Ocean Raiders
Founded 25 May, 2010
Dormant or disbanded as of 10 December, 2010
Favicon.png Crew Info

Wrath Of The Ocean was a crew on the Viridian Ocean. It flew the flag of Ocean Raiders.

Extended Public Statement

we are a fun loving crew we like to have fun joke around buth still we are hardworkers


cabin person when ya join

pirate have 1 broad and a proficient

Officer well you moving up in the world 3 broads and 1 solid well isn't that easy a few distinguished + helps to

Fleet Officer trust and above requirements

Senior Officer well its not easy to get here you be a long time in crew and have my fullest trust

Captain thats me when i leave i prob take Dvdnext who made it with me

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