Watersheriff is a fleet officer of the crew -Frozen- and member of the flag Access Denied on the Hunter Ocean.
Watersheriff joined Odian's Gold in his early days, his captain was Gundeck. Watersheriff liked this crew so much because he received the utmost respect of his crewmates. He was Senior Officer of this crew and was titled the First Mate, but suddenly his captain stopped logging on for three months straight, Watersheriff got bored of the crew and left.
He then joined the crew -Frozen- to continue his journey on Hunter. He liked his new crew and was treated well by his crewmates. He plans on staying on this crew for a long time, currently Watersheriff is ranked fleet officer in this crew. Watersheriff's goal is to improve his piracy stats and become the best that he can be. His favourite puzzle is Sailing and when his not out pillaging or at sea monster hunt, he kills zombies or skellies or plays Spades at home.