Villainous Yeti

From YPPedia
Villainous Yeti at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Origyeti
Senior Officer(s) Bgreed, Gopoe
Politics Autocratic
Shares The Cruel Shelf
Flag Affiliation None
Founded 13 September, 2008
Dormant as of 1 July, 2009
Favicon.png Crew Info

Please put a picture of a war brig here.jpg

Villainous Yeti is a crew hiring in the Viridian Ocean. Their main ship in their fleet is the Psyched Gar. The crew usually hire from Lima Island dock. The crew is currently dormant.

Public Statement

Tearing the arms off the other pirates.

Extended Public Statement


Cabin Person: Just Ask and know how to team in battle. Pirate: You need at least one broad in either carp, bilge, or sailing. Officer: You need broads in all three of the above. And be able to run your own pilly. FO: You need to have your own ship. SO: I will ask you. Do not ask me.

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