Valiant Eagles

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Valiant Eagles at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Silverheart
Senior Officer(s) Bellyboat
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Independent
Founded 18 May, 2005
Dormant as of 22 January, 2011
Favicon.png Crew Info

Valiant Eagles is a crew on the Viridian Ocean that was founded by captain Silverheart on May 18th 2005.

Public Statement

"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, some have greatness thrust upon them." - William Shakespeare

The Valiant Eagles aim to "fly" all over the ocean, to pillage, trade and have fun.

Now, remember: The most important goal for this crew is to have fun! So go out there and have some, friends!

Some basic etiquette: Any captain or officer sailing will appreciate a message in advance if ye have to leave while aboard the ship. No swearing or inappropriate talk will be tolerated. Annoying behaviour (disobedience, message flooding, bad jokes at other players' expense, etc.) can be cause for planking/expulsion. Never leave in the middle of a sea battle. If ye really have to, at least be polite enough to tell the commanding officer. (It might also be a good idea to look up the officer later on to tell him/her why ye had to leave.)

Finally, a word of warning: The officers of this crew may play irregularly, we will not play every day.

Promotion Requirements

To become a full member (cabin person) of the crew: Just ask an officer, and it will be granted.

To become a pirate: Ye must show loyalty (e.g. obey orders from superiors), ye must be trustworthy and do yer best in the interest of the crew.

To become an officer: There is no automatically becoming an officer in this crew. Ye must show that ye can work together with the other sailors, ye will after all be one of the leaders in the crew. The most important issues, however, are to follow crew policies, to be polite and friendly, to be able to lead other crewmembers, and to know how to run a ship (at least a small one). The decision to make someone an officer will be taken by the crew management, and we reserve the right to use our judgement. It also might be that the crew doesn't need any additional officers at the time.

To become fleet officer and senior officer: Only friends of the captain will become senior officers in this crew. Ye will need to show the highest qualities in officership and loyalty to the crew. Senior officers are (together with the captain) role models for the crew. There will always be less senior officers than officers in the crew, so don't automatically expect to become senior officer, even though ye might have been an officer for a while. The decision to make someone a senior officer will be taken by the crew management, and we reserve the right to use our judgement.
