User talk:Libbyiscute

From YPPedia

Former Captain of the Ultranatas, Stevenata made a decision to merge with the Irish Rogues in 2005 where he became a Senior Officer. They were later blasted off the face of the Sage ocean. Stevenata woke up on the shores of Admiral Island on November 8, 2007. He lives there to this day. He walked up to the notice board and found a crew by the name "The Sons of Jor-El." He sent a carrier pigeon to deliver his application. A pirate by the name of Hendrew, sent him a job invite and once on board, ordered him to sail. This was the beginning of the "New Stevenata." Hendrew and Zod, SO and CAPTAIN of the crew helped him back on his feet. He now spends his time pillaging with Jor-El and he's having fun doing it. He has gotten to the rank of FLEET OFFICER in the crew and couldnt be happier.