User:Smilidom/featured article contest/Voyage Configuration

From YPPedia

So, your vessel is at an uncolonized island or in another archipelago and you are not in the mood to take it all the way to your home island? Well use the new swabbies transportation to take it there while you play poker, sword fighting or any other game that you like. So think you are ready to hunt flotillas, then set the voyage to do so and get pirates ready for action in a Brigand King flotilla, and get a chance to play Treasure Haul.

With the recent releases you can now set your voyage configuration to two new options, but can still use the trade, pillage and blockade options ( or greeter pillage for greeters ). You can now be sure your vessel will get to an island safe ( but without stock ) or gather people for a flotilla with easier methods than before.Very helpful don't you think?