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Shanexxl is a pirate on the Sage Ocean. He is currently the Senior Officer of the crew Disillusioned and admiral in the Caravanserai Island Navy in the Ibis Archipelago.

Shanexxl first began playing Puzzle Pirates in October of 2005. As a zombie he had no idea what he was doing. He couldn't even wear a bandana.

He worked hard with the navy and left his first crew when he thought he was ready to start his own. After school kicked in, his crew the Flaming Skulls fell apart and that is when he met Walker and joined his crew Rising Storm. Shanexxl joined this crew as a pirate and worked his way up from there. He was with Walker for over two years.

Shanexxl decided that he wanted to start his own crew again for the upcoming summer, so he left Rising Storm and started the crew House which he is currently in. He joined the flag Dysfunctional because a great bit of his hearties are in there and he enjoys meeting new people. After a while he saw it more of a gain to join his small crew into Disillusioned a much more structured and extreamly friendly crew. The move has proven to be very wise and he hopes it continues to stay that way.

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