User:Scurby swab
[hide]Interesting Notes
-Right now i'm werkin' on a crew called Defenders of Truth, this crew is leaded by our marvelous Captain Vixey! (Blackvixey)
-I own an incredible sailor trophy, Flag bearer, Battered hat, Silver and Gold Crabs and a Map and Brew troph atm.
-My best mates are : My Cap'n Vix, Lonerex , Firebladez , Flingx , Usaangel , Maxalt , Mrportugal and Braxx!
My Private Notes
~*~This is my space, the place where I can speak what goes on this busy mind of mine...
-My Captain Rocks! Go Vix, Go Vix! GOOOO cap'n :0)!
-For every pirate out there, never give up, NEVER EVER! Remember, everybody starts by scratch, but they'll evolute, don't be anxious! Your time Will and MUST come! 1 day u will be famous and wealthy enough, everybody is! :D
>~**~< This note is ONLY and specially to my wonderfull Crew...Here I write what I think abt my mateys...No lies...No secrets...No Taboos...Everything is written RIGHT HERE!
- Blackvixey- Oh Vix, what a great Captain ye are, everybody has ALOT to learn with u...Ur age tells ur experience in life, and that's why I like u SO much, even Woodenleg learns wid her :D.
We ALL have something to learn abt this fabulous mind. Please listen to her...
- Alkara- What I can say abt this SO? She makes her job so well, if it wasn't her I wouldn't understand as many things as i know now! She's smart, funny, inteligent, cute, she's my favourite SO (no offense guys :P ).
- Ineke- This sweet Australian Girl is beeing such a good talk point these days to me, I know that with this Aussie I can speak abt almost everything (oh and btw Comedy Inc. RULES!! :)).
1 of my favs. SO's, respect her! :D
- Blackheart- This "mister" right here has a politician vein, very democratic and very secure of himself, when he makes a decision, he never quits, a great row model for any SO's and FO's and all ranks!
- Firebladez- The name tells it all! An awesome guy to be with, likes to pilly as much as I do, loves poker wich i dont :P. Anyways, he deserves all credits for all his excellent werk, Go Blade!! (Hope u keep ur ulti :S, that rule is booo!)
- Pieminister- Another mate with a politician vein, still deserves all respect! Altought me and him aint best mates, I still respect, another very powerfull SO of our wonderfull Crew. Cheers Pie!
- Bonniek- I guess in our crew we only have top class 5 stars SO's, cuze this is another SO of top class! Bonniek thank ye for beeing my crewmate and mate! This girl has my respect!
- Martinkata- Altough I don't see this interesting character on much, I can see when great people stand beside me! Martin, I don't know u well enough mate, but u have my trust and respect ^_^ .
- Midnightjoy- This lovely girl and damsel of the crew, was the one who told me to start getting crabbies and how to get'em. Thank ye lass! Anyways this "midnightjoy", is a wonderful persson. Respect...
- Rottenfester- Rotten... I can tell this guys is the "scottish mate" of our crew, I mean, gotta love that scottish skirt and that wig, wonderful combo dude ;). He has my gratitude and respect. Go Rotten the "Scottish" Fester!
- Usaangel, Usagold, Usahot- The unstoppable Sisters, that's what I call'em since they're all sisters! These wonderfull joyfull and "beautyfull" sis' have earned a place in the crew's heart...And... In mine :P.
- Flingx- I just met this craaazy dude abt a week ago, and I can see he's a wonderfull peep, I'm glad we have such INCREDIBLE sailor and friend in our crew! Hurray Flingx (eden) !
Interesting Links
- Clothing and Shoppes:
- >>See how ye look, on yer fav clothes!
- >>Usefull tips, on how to start/manage a shoppe.
- >>Install the oldest or newest versions!
- >>Made to assist shoppe/stall owners and move commodities.
- Vessels:
- >>Need help counting those scallywags? Then tis's fer ye!
- >> Determinates the damage inflicted on both ships.
- Maps:
- >> Lost? Here's some maps fer ye!
- He's Guide to Newcomers:
- >>Are ye new here? Check this out!