
From YPPedia


See also the supplementary time chart.

Pirate name Icon swordfight.png Icon bilge.png Icon sailing.png Icon rigging.png Icon gunnery.png Icon carpentry.png Icon rumble.png Times online (PT)
Agham 5Master 5Master 7Distinguished 8Able 5Master 6Respected 8Able Anyday after 4-5PM (PST)
Aiella 1Ultimate 2Legendary 1Ultimate 8Able 2Legendary 1Ultimate 7Distinguished Random, mostly daytime EST
Anderson 4Renowned 2Legendary 4Renowned 8Able 6Respected 4Renowned 2Legendary Evenings
Angara 3Grand Master 2Legendary 2Legendary 8Able 1Ultimate 2Legendary 6Respected Varies
Argos 1Ultimate 2Legendary 1Ultimate 8Able 1Ultimate 1Ultimate 5Master Anytime, GMT+1
Arrnold 4Renowned 4Renowned 5Master 9N/A 5Master 6Respected 9N/A Evenings
Bel 4Renowned 3Grand Master 3Grand Master 9N/A 2Legendary 4Renowned 9N/A Varied - CET time
Betialai 3Grand Master 2Legendary 2Legendary 9N/A 4Renowned 2Legendary 9N/A Varied
Bgooly 4Renowned 7Distinguished 5Master 9N/A 5Master 5Master 9N/A Varied (PST)
Bisy 7Distinguished 5Master 5Master 9N/A 2Legendary 6Respected 8Able Daytime GMT
Blimb 2Legendary 1Ultimate 1Ultimate 9N/A 1Ultimate 3Grand Master 9N/A Evenings
Calalilly 4Renowned 6Respected 7Distinguished 9N/A 4Renowned 7Distinguished 9N/A afternoon/late night
Castawayjoe 7Distinguished 5Master 5Master 9N/A 6Respected 7Distinguished 8Able Evening Eastern Time
Corzak 1Ultimate 1Ultimate 1Ultimate 9N/A 1Ultimate 1Ultimate 9N/A Afternoon/Evening
Darvid 2Legendary 2Legendary 2Legendary 9N/A 1Ultimate 3Grand Master 9N/A Random
Dervla 5Master 2Legendary 3Grand Master 9N/A 2Legendary 8Able 3Grand Master Mostly 7-11pm PT weeknights
Donsmythe 3Grand Master 1Ultimate 2Legendary 9N/A 1Ultimate 2Legendary 3Grand Master Varies
Drilly 4Renowned 2Legendary 2Legendary 9N/A 2Legendary 1Ultimate 9N/A Afternoons
Edged 9N/A 5Master 4Renowned 9N/A 2Legendary 2Legendary 9N/A 1-9 PT weekdays, anytime weekends
Estsanatlehi 2Legendary 2Legendary 2Legendary 9N/A 1Ultimate 9N/A 2Legendary Varied but frequent
Evilaurian 2Legendary 3Grand Master 3Grand Master 9N/A 2Legendary 1Ultimate 9N/A Anytime, GMT+1
Firedance 5Master 2Legendary 3Grand Master 9N/A 3Grand Master 8Able 9N/A Afternoons
Flowerthing 8Able 8Able 8Able 9N/A 7Distinguished 6Respected 8Able 8PM-2AM
Fullbeard 2Legendary 1Ultimate 1Ultimate 9N/A 1Ultimate 1Ultimate 1Ultimate Varies
Gimmekiss 3Grand Master 5Master 4Renowned 9N/A 3Grand Master 6Respected 6Respected Varies
Greever 6Respected 5Master 4Renowned 9N/A 4Renowned 5Master 5Master 9am-11PM game time, near daily
Havelan 2Legendary 1Ultimate 1Ultimate 9N/A 1Ultimate 3Grand Master 9N/A Varies
Hutschipferd 3Grand Master 8Able 5Master 9N/A 8Able 7Distinguished 3Grand Master Evening
Ironguts 5Master 3Grand Master 4Renowned 9N/A 7Distinguished 5Master 8Able Early evening/Weekends
Jamalia 3Grand Master 2Legendary 2Legendary 9N/A 1Ultimate 2Legendary 9N/A Weekends
Jegregious 3Grand Master 3Grand Master 2Legendary 9N/A 2Legendary 5Master 1Ultimate Weekends, evenings
Jenardo 2Legendary 2Legendary 2Legendary 9N/A 2Legendary 5Master 9N/A Varied
Jerze 3Grand Master 2Legendary 5Master 9N/A 3Grand Master 8Able 9N/A Evening PST + 18
Jsweetie 3Grand Master 5Master 4Renowned 9N/A 4Renowned 8Able 9N/A Anytime
Keeran 2Legendary 2Legendary 2Legendary 9N/A 2Legendary 4Renowned 4Renowned Anytime
Kiattia 4Renowned 5Master 5Master 9N/A 4Renowned 7Distinguished 9N/A Varied - BST
Kimmy 4Renowned 6Respected 4Renowned 9N/A 5Master 7Distinguished 8Able Evenings/Weekends
Klank 1Ultimate 1Ultimate 2Legendary 9N/A 3Grand Master 2Legendary 9N/A Evening/Weekend PDT
Leppy 2Legendary 5Master 4Renowned 9N/A 7Distinguished 2Legendary 8Able Random
Lessah 5Master 4Renowned 6Respected 9N/A 3Grand Master 7Distinguished 9N/A Evening/Weekend PDT
Ligeia 3Grand Master 2Legendary 2Legendary 9N/A 2Legendary 1Ultimate 2Legendary Varied - BST time
Lj 3Grand Master 1Ultimate 2Legendary 9N/A 4Renowned 6Respected 9N/A Evenings
Lordkalvan 3Grand Master 9N/A 2Legendary 9N/A 1Ultimate 3Grand Master 5Master Varied
Mankette 2Legendary 1Ultimate 1Ultimate 9N/A 1Ultimate 1Ultimate 9N/A Varies
Melanthe 2Legendary 2Legendary 2Legendary 9N/A 1Ultimate 3Grand Master 9N/A Evenings
Mightyboosh 1Ultimate 1Ultimate 9N/A 9N/A 1Ultimate 2Legendary 2Legendary 6-9pm GMT
Miras 2Legendary 2Legendary 2Legendary 9N/A 1Ultimate 1Ultimate 9N/A Varies
Moopmoop 9N/A 9N/A 9N/A 9N/A 9N/A 9N/A 9N/A Saturday Evenings
Mzchief 2Legendary 2Legendary 2Legendary 9N/A 2Legendary 2Legendary 9N/A Evenings
Nightfalcon 4Renowned 1Ultimate 3Grand Master 9N/A 3Grand Master 6Respected 9N/A Varies
Okie 3Grand Master 5Master 6Respected 9N/A 2Legendary 4Renowned 6Respected Varies
Onelove 3Grand Master 2Legendary 3Grand Master 9N/A 2Legendary 2Legendary 3Grand Master Evening (PDT)
Princessnow 7Distinguished 3Grand Master 3Grand Master 9N/A 6Respected 6Respected 9N/A Evening(EST)
Ptolemy 2Legendary 4Renowned 4Renowned 9N/A 9N/A 4Renowned 9N/A Anytime
Qwequeg 2Legendary 3Grand Master 3Grand Master 9N/A 3Grand Master 2Legendary 9N/A Anytime
Rebeviper 1Ultimate 1Ultimate 1Ultimate 9N/A 1Ultimate 2Legendary 9N/A Anytime (EST)
Saiseiko 2Legendary 3Grand Master 3Grand Master 9N/A 2Legendary 4Renowned 9N/A 1600-0900 UTC
Saltine 2Legendary 2Legendary 5Master 9N/A 5Master 2Legendary 9N/A
Seerauber 3Grand Master 1Ultimate 1Ultimate 9N/A 2Legendary 6Respected 2Legendary Daytime and after 8pm PST
Sharuka 1Ultimate 3Grand Master 4Renowned 9N/A 1Ultimate 1Ultimate 3Grand Master After 4pm PST
Shazbot 4Renowned 3Grand Master 1Ultimate 9N/A 1Ultimate 5Master 9N/A Afternoons
Shiskra 2Legendary 1Ultimate 1Ultimate 9N/A 2Legendary 3Grand Master 9N/A Anytime
Shinrai 4Renowned 4Renowned 4Renowned 9N/A 4Renowned 7Distinguished 6Respected Mostly evenings EST
Simm 3Grand Master 5Master 3Grand Master 9N/A 2Legendary 3Grand Master 9N/A Evening/Weekend (GMT)
Simman 2Legendary 2Legendary 2Legendary 9N/A 2Legendary 4Renowned 9N/A When I can be found
Snickelfritz 2Legendary 3Grand Master 3Grand Master 9N/A 2Legendary 2Legendary 3Grand Master Anytime
Sprngweather 2Legendary 1Ultimate 3Grand Master 9N/A 2Legendary 3Grand Master 9N/A Anytime Weekdays
Steinhauser 2Legendary 3Grand Master 3Grand Master 9N/A 4Renowned 2Legendary 5Master Chances are I'm on right now
Strength 1Ultimate 4Renowned 1Ultimate 9N/A 2Legendary 2Legendary 4Renowned A lot
Sydney 4Renowned 2Legendary 4Renowned 9N/A 4Renowned 2Legendary 9N/A Anytime
Tamera 1Ultimate 2Legendary 1Ultimate 9N/A 3Grand Master 2Legendary 5Master 6pm - 9pm GMT
Tearydaze 3Grand Master 2Legendary 2Legendary 9N/A 3Grand Master 1Ultimate 9N/A Anytime
Themachine 2Legendary 1Ultimate 1Ultimate 9N/A 1Ultimate 2Legendary 9N/A Anytime
Trollsb 6Respected 5Master 2Legendary 9N/A 3Grand Master 5Master 2Legendary Varies
Xiaohu 3Grand Master 4Renowned 2Legendary 9N/A 4Renowned 5Master 9N/A Anytime
Yukkon 3Grand Master 7Distinguished 6Respected 9N/A 8Able 6Respected 8Able Anytime