User:Piplicus/Midnight Automated Tournament Times
From YPPedia
This is an experiment to find out the times for the automated tournaments on Midnight. If you have extra information on a tournament not covered, please add it at the bottom of the list. --Pip
The Pen Is Mightier
- Minutes Until Start: 15
- Random Skull Dagger
- 1 game / match
- Seeded By Rating
- Minimum Pirates: 2
- Free entry
- Prize Pot: 8000
- Cascading Exponentially
- Prizes: Paper and Quill, Red daisy
- Sunday 13:15
- Monday 19:15
- Tuesday 10:15
- Wednesday 16:15
- Thursday 22:15
- Saturday 19:15
Dollar Duel
- Minutes Until Start: 15
- Random Saber
- 1 game / match
- Seeded By Rating
- Minimum Pirates: 2
- Free entry
- Prize Pot: 8000
- Cascading exponentially
- Prizes: Sand Dollar
- Sunday 20:15
- Friday 20:15
- Wednesday 1st Feb, 2006; 20:15
- Saturday 4th Feb, 2006; 08:15
- Saturday 4th Feb, 2006; 23:15
Sabers at Dawn
- Minutes Until Start: 15
- Random Saber
- 1 game / match
- Seeded By Rating
- Minimum Pirates: 2
- Free entry
- Prize Pot: 8000
- Cascading exponentially
- Prizes: White Handkerchief
- Thursday Feb 2nd 19:15
Ye Need Greens in Yer Diet
- Minutes Until Start: 13
- Random Stick
- 1 game / match
- Seeded By Rating
- Minimum Pirates: 4
- Free entry
- Prize Pot: 20000
- Cascading exponentially
- Prizes: Vase with Plant (Purple)
- Saturday Apr 29th 8:42
Drown Your Sorrows
- Minutes Until Start: Unknown
- Blue Tankard
- Play to 2000
- 1 game / match
- Seeded randomly
- Minimum Pirates: 2(?)
- Free entry
- Prize Pot: 8000
- Cascading Exponentially
- Prizes: Aqua / White / Blue Handkerchief
- Sunday 17:15
- Friday 17:15
- Sunday 14:15
Dead Drunk
- Minutes Until Start: 15
- Standard Rules
- Random Skull
- Play to 2000
- 1 game / match
- Colors and shapes: 6
- Randomly seeded
- Minimum pirates: 2
- Free entry
- Prize Pot: 8000
- Cascading exponentially
- Prize: Moss bone
- Thursday 2nd February 2006, 23:15 (abandoned due to reboot)
- Monday 6th February 2006, 02:15
- Tuesday 7th February 2006, 08:15
- Wednesday 8th February 2006, 14:15
Treasure Drop
Dead Man's Chest
- Minutes Until Start: 15
- Holes.
- 1 game / match
- Seeded By Rating
- Minimum Pirates: 2
- Free entry
- Prize Pot: 8000
- Cascading Exponentially
- Prizes: Little chest, White Bone
- Wednesday 12:15
- Thursday 18:15
Falling In Love
- Minutes until start: 15
- Turbo
- Standard points
- 1 game / match
- Randomly seeded
- Minimum Pirates: 2
- Free entry
- Prize Pot: 8000
- Cascading exponentially
- Prize: Red Rose
- Tuesday January 31st, 18:15
- Sunday February 5th, 03:15
- Wednesday February 7th, 06:15
- Saturday February 11th, 09:15
- Sunday February 12th, 00:15